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Tea classics

Often called the ‘true’ teas, the black and green teas provide the ideal opportunity for enjoyment, with the specific aromas and flavours of these beloved hot beverages. Small steps for sustainable future – our tea classics bear Rainforest Alliance™ certificate.

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English Breakfast

Box 40 g
English breakfast is black tea, usually consumed with milk. Although it comes from British tea drinking culture and is closely related to traditional British breakfasts, it is one of the most famous teas in the world. In addition to being popular when having breakfast, as a substitute for coffee, this tea is also consumed throughout the day. Besides milk, you can add different spices like vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, honey or anise to your favourite English breakfast tea. It is Rainforest Alliance™ certified
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Indian Black Tea

Box 30 g
Wake up to the lavish taste, aroma and texture of Indian black tea, obtained thanks to the complete fermentation of the plant Camellia sinensis, known as the tea plant. It is Rainforest Alliance™ certified
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2-5 min
Contains caffeine

Green Tea

Though it comes from the same plant as black tea, Camellia sinesis, green tea has a milder flavour, as its leaves do not go through the fermentation process. It is Rainforest Alliance™ certified
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2-5 min
Contains caffeine
Author Helena Simon