Superiore espresso
Premium quality single origin, Rainforest Alliance Certified™ coffee
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Milk is the natural secretion of the mammary glands of animals kept in husbandry, obtained from one or more milkings, with nothing added or removed. Though milk is characteristic to many animals, in the food industry, the term milk refers exclusively to cow milk, and its composition is not changed during technological processing. This white fluid is the main source of nutrition for mammalian young prior to starting on different foods. In addition to being rich in the mineral calcium, its complex chemical composition also includes milk fat and lactose, and the proteins casein, lactalbumin and lactoglobulin, which are synthesized in the mammary gland, while other components of milk, such as enzymes, vitamins and immunoglobulins are passed into the mammary gland directly from the blood. In the food industry, milk is subjected to the processed of pasteurisation or sterilization and homogenisation, after which it is considered a finished product, or raw material in the production of dairy products, such as yogurt, cheeses, etc.