For special
Beverages for
the whole family.
#My moment
Do you always look for your favourite Bianka on the shelves, and still take Divka as a gift for grandma and grandpa? Share your stories with us!
Lili Basic Capaccetti
The scents and tastes of my childhood...
More and more, I see the value of the little things. Little stolen moments to relax, take a deep breath, close my eyes and dream about what I want, what I love. About places I want to visit, about memories I want to keep… I have one such moment every day, when I make myself a cup of Bianka in my kitchen. When I take a sip of that mild, creamy beverage, my mind often wanders back to my childhood, when my grandmother regularly made coffee substitute for breakfast, and the wonderful fragrance that spread throughout the entire kitchen, and the mild, sweet flavour in our cups, filled with warm milk, a little coffee substitute, and sweetened with sugar. Even today, as soon as I smell that great fragrance and taste that amazing flavour, I relax and steal just a moment for myself, for my memories, and my fantasies…
View all momentsAnamarija Gulin
In the middle of nowhere, trying to find myself
Hi, I am Gula, a travel lover and a dreamer. Day by day I try to keep the promise I have made to myself - live one day at the time, seek happiness in the little things and enjoy life to the fullest.
One thing that I will not let anyone take away from me is enjoying my cup of coffee. If you know me well, you know how happy coffee makes me. For me, coffee is much more than just a drink that wakes you up. Coffee is happiness. Coffee is a delight to the palate. Coffee brings pleasure and relaxation anytime of the day. Coffee is ‘me time’ that always brings joy. I am open to trying out different ways to brew the coffee, but right now I am most excited about Franck's d Jubilarna Sensual - the ideal combination of chocolate beans which bring me moments of delight with delicious flavour and taste. And best of all is that it only takes one minute for my moment and my happiness. That one minute a day ensures that I keep my promise to be happy with the little things.
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