Functional teas
Enriched with vitamins and minerals
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For Franck teas
Tea cup
For teas
Franck cup
For Franck beverages
Tea stand
For teas
For Franck beverages
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One of the five fundamental flavours. At the tip of the tongue we taste sweet, to the left and right sour, in the middle of the tongue salty and at the back of the tongue bitter. The fifth flavour - umami - is a flavour that is tasted together with the other flavours in the mouth, and so we are often unaware of it. The tongue is covered with tiny taste buds, and each has countless nerve endings or sensory receptors that enables the sense of taste. We each have about 10,000 taste buds on our tongue, and each taste receptor is only stimulated by one type of flavour, so that some receptors react to sweet, while others react to sour, salt or bitter flavours.