Instant Cappuccino
So many different cappuccino flavours for an ideal moment of rest.
All products
Cappuccino Classic
Cappuccino Irish Cream
Cappuccino Chocolate
Cappuccino Vanilla Cream
Cappuccino Coconut and White Chocolate
Cappuccino Less Sugar
Cappuccino Bajadera
Cappuccino Fontana Ledene kocke
Cappuccino Griotte
Product accessories
Franck cup
For Franck beverages
Cappuccino glass
For Franck beverages
Franck cup
For Franck beverages
For Franck beverages
Did you know?
Sensory evaluation
Sensory evaluation is used to assess the quality and acceptability of a product. Using these evaluation techniques, it is possible to determine just how similar, or different, individual products are. During sensory evaluation, analysts examine the most important sensory properties, such as appearance, colour, fragrance, taste and texture, to assess the product. The sensory analysts conducting the evaluation must have an excellent understanding of the sensory properties, an excellent ability to plan and execute sensory evaluations, and knowledge of how to statistically process the results. A group of analysts who are trained for conducting sensory analysis of a specific product, and who are highly familiar with the characteristics of the product being tested, is called a panel.