Bonus Espresso
For those who prefer an espresso with an intensive aroma.
Product accessories
Espresso cups
For espresso coffee
Espresso cups
For espresso coffee
Espresso cups
For espresso coffee
Espresso cups
For espresso coffee
Espresso cups
For espresso coffee
Espresso cups
For espresso coffee
Espresso šalice
For espresso coffee
Sugar bowl
For Franck beverages
For Franck beverages
Did you know?
Procedure of thermal processing of the raw coffee beans. Depending on the roaster, this process can last up to 20 minutes, at temperatures of up to 240°C. During roasting, numerous physical and chemical changes take place within the bean, which influence the formation of specific fragrances and flavours characteristic for that variety of coffee. During the roasting process, there are also changes in the colour, volume and mass of the coffee beans The roasting process is terminated at the moment when the desired sensory propertiesare achieved, and is stopped by cooling the roasted beans. The level of roasting is determined based on the specific requirements of each individual market, and on the type of beverage for which the coffee is intended. During the roasting process, roasting curves are monitored and roasting levels are controlled in order to obtain the specific characteristics of each beverage. The beans are inspected visually and organolepticcontrol is conducted by groups of specially trained people familiar with all the necessary characteristics for each individual beverage. We can differential light, medium and dark roasts. A light roast is specific for the preparation of a beverage with a lower quantity of extract compounds, and these beverages have a gentler flavour, with a less pronounced coffee aroma, such as filter coffees. A medium roast will give beverages with a strongly pronounced aroma, and is used for those coffees to be consumed in the household. A dark roast gives a beverage with a greater quantity of extract compounds, a stronger aroma, and these roasts are primarily used for the preparation of espresso beverages.