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Barely is an annual cereal plant from the grass family. It originates from Ethiopia and Southeast Asia where it was already cultivated 10,00 years ago, making it believed to be one of the oldest cereals in Europe. Today it is primarily used in the production of bread, malt, beer, whisky and coffee substitute. Prior to the global availability of the coffee we know today, barley was used together with chicory as a suitable alternative to coffee, since the roasted, ground barley can be used to prepare a beverage whose aroma and taste is similar to that of coffee. Since barley is a cereal, it does not contain caffeine and it can be consumed by persons who are sensitive to caffeine. Also, considering its chemical composition, typical to cereals, it has a high fibre content. In the Franck line of classic coffee substitutes, barley is an integral part of the products Divka and Proja. In addition to the classic coffee substitutions, barley and barley malt are also part of the instant coffee substitutes Bianka Classic.